RidleyPack Minecraft Modpack

Click to download modpack profile (RidleyPack 13.3 - July 15, 2024)

System Requirements

This modpack has a lot of mods in it, and it may not work on your computer.

How to Import this modpack

⚠️ The current "old" version of GDLauncher is no longer receiving updates, in anticipation of the new version, GDLauncher Carbon. GDLauncher Carbon is not yet ready, though, so it's more challenging to download and install.

Choose which version of GDLauncher you'd like to use and follow the appropriate list of instructions below (don't follow both sections of instructions).

Option 1: GDLauncher Carbon (beta)

Option 2: GDLauncher

  1. Install GDLauncher - https://gdevs.io/
  2. Download the modpack zip file from the link at the top of this page.
  3. In GDLauncher, click the plus sign in the bottom-left corner
  4. Give it the zip file that you downloaded in step 2
  5. Wait for it to download the mods
  6. Check to see if you should adjust your RAM (see steps below)
  7. The modpack should show up in the GDLauncher menu. Click it to launch it.
  8. When joining the server, ignore the red "X" telling you the server is incompatible - it's lying to you

Adjusting your Java RAM (if your game crashes during loading or freezes periodically)

If you experience crashes while loading, or regular freezes at time intervals (like every few seconds for example), you may need to adjust the amount of RAM that Minecraft can use.

Can I play this single-player?

Probably, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a powerful gaming computer. This pack is not designed to be played in single player, but it should work - you may need to tinker with it a bit to make it work.

What's the server address?

Its a private server, so I don't give that out here. Ask someone who already knows for the connection info.

Who is Ridley?

Ridley was a cat, who unfortunatelly passed on in November 2020. This pack needed a name, and it is now named after Ridley.