This city merchant has a maximum of 1000 gp per day.
This vendor will purchase some spell scrolls from you, for a price determined by the level of the spell. Spell scrolls higher than those listed on the table below must be sold via other means.
Item Name | Vendors pays you |
Cantrip | 10d10 |
1st Level Spells | 5d10 + 50 gp |
2nd Level Spells | (4d10 * 10) + 100 gp |
3rd Level Spells | 4d10 * 10) + 100 gp |
Spell | Copy Spell (Wizards Only) |
Spell Scroll |
Comprehend Languages | 25 gp | 50 gp |
Detect Magic | 25 gp | 50 gp |
Feather Fall | 25 gp | 50 gp |
Find Familliar | 25 gp | 50 gp |
Mage Armor | 25 gp | 50 gp |
Magic Missile | 25 gp | 50 gp |
Shield | 25 gp | 50 gp |
Unseen Servant | 25 gp | 50 gp |
Spell | Copy Spell (Wizards Only) |
Spell Scroll |
Arcane Lock | 75 gp | 150 gp |
Continual Flame | 75 gp | 150 gp |
Darkvision | 75 gp | 150 gp |
Invisibility | 75 gp | 150 gp |
Magic Weapon | 75 gp | 150 gp |
Misty Step | 75 gp | 150 gp |
Rope Trick | 75 gp | 150 gp |
Suggestion | 75 gp | 150 gp |
Spell | Copy Spell (Wizards Only) |
Spell Scroll |
Clairvoyance | 150 gp | 300 gp |
Counterspell | 150 gp | 300 gp |
Dispel Magic | 150 gp | 300 gp |
Fireball | 150 gp | 300 gp |
Fly | 150 gp | 300 gp |
Nondetection | 150 gp | 300 gp |
Water Breathing | 150 gp | 300 gp |
Spell | Copy Spell (Wizards Only) |
Spell Scroll |
Arcane Eye | 300 gp | 600 gp |
Fabricate | 300 gp | 600 gp |
Greater Invisibility | 300 gp | 600 gp |
Ice Storm | 300 gp | 600 gp |
Locate Creature | 300 gp | 600 gp |
Polymorph | 300 gp | 600 gp |
Spell | Copy Spell (Wizards Only) |
Spell Scroll |
Bigby's Hand | 750 gp | 1500 gp |
Cone of Cold | 750 gp | 1500 gp |
Modify Memory | 750 gp | 1500 gp |