

This city merchant has a maximum of 1000 gp per day.

Selling Spell Scrolls to this vendor

This vendor will purchase some spell scrolls from you, for a price determined by the level of the spell. Spell scrolls higher than those listed on the table below must be sold via other means.

Item Name Vendors pays you
Cantrip 10d10
1st Level Spells 5d10 + 50 gp
2nd Level Spells (4d10 * 10) + 100 gp
3rd Level Spells 4d10 * 10) + 100 gp

Spells for Sale (1st Level)

Spell Copy Spell
(Wizards Only)
Spell Scroll
Comprehend Languages 25 gp 50 gp
Detect Magic 25 gp 50 gp
Feather Fall 25 gp 50 gp
Find Familliar 25 gp 50 gp
Mage Armor 25 gp 50 gp
Magic Missile 25 gp 50 gp
Shield 25 gp 50 gp
Unseen Servant 25 gp 50 gp

Spells for Sale (2nd Level)

Spell Copy Spell
(Wizards Only)
Spell Scroll
Arcane Lock 75 gp 150 gp
Continual Flame 75 gp 150 gp
Darkvision 75 gp 150 gp
Invisibility 75 gp 150 gp
Magic Weapon 75 gp 150 gp
Misty Step 75 gp 150 gp
Rope Trick 75 gp 150 gp
Suggestion 75 gp 150 gp

Spells for Sale (3rd Level)

Spell Copy Spell
(Wizards Only)
Spell Scroll
Clairvoyance 150 gp 300 gp
Counterspell 150 gp 300 gp
Dispel Magic 150 gp 300 gp
Fireball 150 gp 300 gp
Fly 150 gp 300 gp
Nondetection 150 gp 300 gp
Water Breathing 150 gp 300 gp

Spells for Sale (4th Level)

Spell Copy Spell
(Wizards Only)
Spell Scroll
Arcane Eye 300 gp 600 gp
Fabricate 300 gp 600 gp
Greater Invisibility 300 gp 600 gp
Ice Storm 300 gp 600 gp
Locate Creature 300 gp 600 gp
Polymorph 300 gp 600 gp

Spells for Sale (5th Level)

Spell Copy Spell
(Wizards Only)
Spell Scroll
Bigby's Hand 750 gp 1500 gp
Cone of Cold 750 gp 1500 gp
Modify Memory 750 gp 1500 gp