

This city merchant has a maximum of 375 gp per day.


Item Name Price
Untrained Hireling 1 gp / day
Skilled Hireling 10 gp / day


Item Name Sell to Player Buy from Player
Potion of Heailng 50 gp 25 gp

Spellcasting Services

Item Name Price
Cure Wounds (Lv 1) 10 gp
Gentle Repose (Lv 2) 50 gp
Lesser Restoration (Lv 2) 50 gp
Remove Curse (Lv 3) 100 gp
Raise Dead (Lv 5) 1000 gp


Item Name Sell to Player Buy from Player
Calligrapher's Supplies 10 gp 5 gp
Herbalism Kit 5 gp 25 sp
Flute (Musical Instrument) 2 gp 1 gp
Lyre (Musical Instrument) 30 gp 15 gp
Horn (Musical Instrument) 3 gp 15 sp

Adventuring Gear

Item Name Sell to Player Buy from Player
Alms Box 5 gp 25 sp
Bell 1 gp 5 sp
Blanket 5 sp 25 cp
Book, Scripture 25 gp 12 gp
Candle 1 cp 1 cp
Censer 5 gp 25 sp
Chalk (1 Piece) 1 cp 1 cp
Flask (Empty) (16oz) 2 cp 1 cp
Healer’s Kit 5 gp 25 sp
Holy Symbol: Amulet 5 gp 25 sp
Holy Symbol: Emblem 5 gp 25 sp
Holy Symbol: Reliquary 5 gp 25 sp
Holy Water (16oz Flask) 25 gp 12 gp
Incense (1 Block) 1 cp 1 cp
Ink (1oz Vial) 10 gp 5 gp
Ink Pen 2 cp 1 cp
Lamp 5 cp 2 cp
Lantern, Hooded 5 gp 25 sp
Oil (16oz Flask) 1 sp 5 cp
Paper (One Sheet) 2 sp 1 sp
Parchment (One Sheet) 1 sp 5 cp
Perfume (1oz Vial) 5 gp 25 sp
Rations (1 Day) 5 sp 25 cp
Silver (Powdered) 25 gp 12 gp
Torch 1 cp 1 cp
Vial (Empty) (1oz) 1 gp 5 sp
Waterskin (Empty) (64oz) 2 sp 1 sp